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Kaitlyn Leeb Educational Background Kaitlyn Leeb completed her high school education at North York Board of Education. Following that she was accepted into York University and earned her university degree in psychology. Kaitlyn Leeb's Net Worth Kaitlyn Leeb's total net worth is around $2 million U.S. Kaitlyns income is estimated to be between $30000 and $42000 U.S. Dollars. Kaitlyn was a model before launching her career. modeling and then has worked in the media and printing industries. Instagram Journey: Kaitlyn Leeb has over 75k Instagram followers, where she posts daily images, movie posters, etc. she was created her Instagram account on August 7, 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb is a member of the family. Ted Leeb is Kaitlyn Leebs Husband and she has 2 kids Avery Elizabeth Leeb on the 5th of August 2016 and Presley Leeb to be born in 2020.

Kayla Maisonet is an American actor who is best known for her role of Georgie Diaz in the Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Her family relocated from New York to Los Angeles in order to take on acting. While she was a kid she was captivated to act and was glued to TV all the time. After watching a variety of Disney Channel shows, she was inspired to pursue a career as an actor. Her first acting experience was at school, and continued to do so into adulthood. Her name was soon recognized in Los Angeles for her Off-Broadway performances. She made her on-screen debut with the 2012 Disney show Dog with a Blog where she was a key regular role. The Haunted Hathaways is her second appearance. The performance was a highlight of her career in 2016, when she played Georgie Diaz in the Disney series Stuck in the Middle. Kayla is also a major hit. For her efforts as part of the Dog with a Blog series, she won an Young Artist Award.

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